New Downpour Town Exploration Gameplay Video (Spoiler Free)

Posted By: Whitney   February 11th, 2012 | 8:40 pm

Source (Youtube) thanks Cj!

Games Radar: Silent Hill HD Collection – SH3 walkthrough with developer commentary

Posted By: Whitney   January 4th, 2012 | 12:13 pm

Source (Games Radar)

1UP Plays: Silent Hill 2 in Silent Hill HD Collection

Posted By: Whitney   January 4th, 2012 | 10:27 am

Source (1up) Thanks Cj for the link!

Games Radar Silent Hill: Downpour – a guided video tour through the new town of Silent Hill

Posted By: Whitney   January 4th, 2012 | 10:14 am

Games Radar was at the same event I was in Decemeber and they recorded a guided video tour with Tomm Hulett 🙂

Also Tomm gives a release date of March 6 2012

(Games Radar)

6 Minutes of Downpour Gameplay Footage

Posted By: Whitney   September 6th, 2011 | 11:55 am

Some game play footage from Japan has surfaced today with Murphy battling some Weeping Bats in the mines and according to game associate producer, Tomm Hulett, these guys were playing on easy! Yikes!

First, holy shit are those Weeping bats huge! Also I would like to know why the guy playing decided a broken bottle would be a more effective weapon over a pick axe…

What’s cool about this new footage is we get to see Murphy in civilian clothes and how he takes damage. After a run in with the Weeping Bat he noticably starts limping and his back gets pretty bloody.

Additionally, we get to see Murphy use a lighter as a light source and even how memos are saved (anyone else notice the graphic for the memo he picked up was actually in Japanese? I think that’s pretty cool and makes me wonder if all the regions will have similar language changes on the graphics.)

Overall this stage felt more like it was more important to survive and I liked that even though we encounters a few Weeping bats along the way we didn’t actually get into a confrontation with one until the end. I think it really helped put the player on edge! I can’t wait to play this myself!

Source (

Complete E3 2011 Downpour Demo Walkthrough

Posted By: Whitney   June 15th, 2011 | 11:22 am

Like many of you I was unable to attend E3 2011 and try out the Downpour demo. Lucky for us sites like have put up a full walkthrough of the entire demo and not just choice bits! Looks like producers Tomm Hulett, Devin Shatsky and design director Brian Gomez were there during the run through as they all made comments during the video. Here’s some of my thoughts on what I saw and heard


Two more IGN Walkthroughs

Posted By: Whitney   August 20th, 2009 | 8:52 pm

Two more walkthroughs by IGN playing the exact same sequence of events. Gives you a scope at how different everyone’s playthrough will be I can’t wait!

Playthrough 1
In this playthrough Harry seems to have a drinking problem with all the alcohol imagery and references going he meets a bartender. Here are some other noticeable differences:

– I like those gas prices!
– The answering machine in Theresa’s shop plays a different message, this one is an employee speaking to Theresa and commenting that a spacey woman sold them a dress…probably for “booze”
– The key is hidden in green cans…possibly Heineken?
-Diner is closed and the bar is open

Playthrough 2
In this playthrough Harry is more intent of finding Cheryl and even makes several comments to items that could be or look like hers. Harry seems to move purposefully through the area and there are a lot less alcohol references than in the first playthrough. Here are some other noticeable differences:

– Gas prices are still nice
– The answering machine in Theresa’s shop plays a message from a daughter to her mother, possibly Theresa explaining how she’s closing up and a little distracted from a sad woman selling her their dress with ehr husband waiting outside.
– Bar is closed and the diner is open. Harry meets a professional very friendly Cybil.

e3 Walkthrough

Posted By: Whitney   June 2nd, 2009 | 8:30 pm

Now this is awesome! It’s a three-part walkthrough of the demo shown at e3 from IGN. I think it’s looking great!