PSP Version of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Posted By: Whitney   January 28th, 2010 | 2:11 pm

Okay I played a bit of the PSP version last night and I got it say it look like much more effort was put into this over the PS2. The controls are pretty much like the PS2 version but I did notice whenever I took out the camera phone I could only move it side to side and zoom in.

As for the graphics there were items missing from several areas but overall it looked more polished than the ps2 version. I wish I could take screens but I have an older PSP and I can’t take recordings from it 🙁 But here are some things that jumped out at me in comparison to the PS2 version:

– in the PSP version a lot of the ice was translucent…meaning we could clearly see the monsters in the alley which wasn’t the case with the PS2 version.

– More details in the environments. Items were removed but the items that stayed had added details. I’m not sure if the smaller screen had something to do with it but overall the graphics looked richer on the PSP. For example in Theresa’s with the red prom dress their were more details on the mannequin and a drawing of a red dress was added to “Formal dress, Good as new, worn once” poster. So even though the details in the actual dress were about the same as the PS2 version the total environment looked fuller.

– When I colored the happy family I noticed the pencils in the PSP version were on the right instead of the left.

– There was snow falling outside the windows while riding in Cybil’s car.

To me it looks like the PS2 is a port of the PSP version…which just seems bizarre… you think it would be the other way around. It’s like Climax decided to make the PS2 version at the last minute and weren’t able to add quite as much polish.

So in my opinion if you are going to play SH:SM:

Wii > PSP > PS2

PS2 Version of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (video and screens)

Posted By: Whitney   January 26th, 2010 | 11:19 pm

Wow I was able to get the PS2 for only $20 thanks to cash I had left over on an amazon gift certificate (thanks Alexis and Justin!) and oh boy am I glad I got the wii version! This version is definitely lacking a lot of graphical details I was shocked.

First the controls:

The wii version is definitely more immersive since I could move the flashlight freely but I think the actions of the PS2 Harry were still worked well. You can still zoom in and look at things and I got to say it was nice not having to twist my wrist every which was to try and get a can to turn over properly :).

The only big difference I’ve seen is the inability to shake and nod your head or turn things over, all of which have button prompts instead of movements. It wasn’t a bad thing to tell you the truth since the doc was quicker to get my yes and no responses.

Completing puzzles by grabbing things wasn’t that hard either, sure it was a little slower because my movement was restricted to the analog stick and I couldn’t just flick a wrist every which way but it still worked.

Oh and something weird happened when I left Theresa’s I’m sure you can see it on my video Harry hit an invisible wall at one point and I couldn’t walk through a large opening..not sure what that was about.

My coloring was also a whole lot nicer on my happy family picture since it was impossible to go outside the lines!


Didn’t really notice that big of a difference


Okay now we get to the not so great part. The graphics I’m sad to say weren’t anything special. If people thought the wii version looked “bad” they aren’t going to like the PS2 one. Here are things that really jumped out at me:

-The lack of shadow effects. When I was in Theresa’s I was surprised not to see a shadow appear behind the dress mannequin (you should be able to see in my quick playthrough video below). I thought I was standing at a bad angle at first but nope it never showed up.

– Characters have less detail in their textures. Harry and Cybil had less blemishes and marks.

– Echo photos should be a whole lot easier to spot since you have several white staticey lines that appear through echo subjects…even through Harry.

– Background details removed. For example in the first nightmare when you jump into the pool there’s a large frozen puddle to one side in the wii version…this wasn’t so in the PS2.

– In the nightmare level there seemed to be less ice but it could be that I’m tired but a lot of it wasn’t translucent like in the wii version. This was especially apparent at the part where Harry runs from a monster in the alley. It was pretty funny since you can’t actually SEE a monster behind the ice and you can barely see one above Harry so it looks like he’s running from nothing.

-While inside Cybil’s car it didn’t snow outside (it did in the wii version right?) and I could see things clearly out the window.

I also have the PSP version now thanks to my brother who pre ordered it for my birthday, I haven’t played that yet but I will tomorrow and write my thoughts.

Gameplay Video

(if anyone is curious I just answered yes to anything asked)

Some screens

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories PS2 Screens

Posted By: Whitney   January 21st, 2010 | 5:53 pm

I don’t have a PS2 copy yet but someone on NeoGaf took some screens of the differences between the Wii and PS2 version of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

US Silent Hill Shattered Memories PSP and PS2 versions released!

Posted By: Whitney   January 19th, 2010 | 11:03 am

The US Silent Hill Shattered Memories PSP and PS2 are now released 🙂 Still not sure if the Europe release is February 5 or March 7, 2010…