Hi guys! It’s time for something a little different here on Silent Hill Historical Society. As a big Silent Hill fan, I’m always curious to hear about how other fans found the series and how it’s impacted or inspired them.
For me, my love for the series started with the original Silent Hill back in 1999, thanks to a preview in a game magazine and from playing my older brother’s copy on Playstation. Over the past 12 years my love of the series has not waned and through it I’ve not only made some great new friends but have also discovered a passion for both blogging and recording podcasts which I never thought I would ever do!
During my time interacting with others in this fandom I’ve seen fans from all over the world and all walks of life and I just find it amazing how we all have this connection through a video game series.
Brandon Delacruz
But what exactly makes someone Silent Hill fan? How does the series impact others and what does the series mean to them? It’s these questions I hope to answer by highlighting a different Silent Hill fan every week or so to give a deeper and more personal insight into the Silent Hill fanbase!
To kick off this new series I would like to share an amazing story of a fellow fan that a friend of mine passed on to me just last week.
Meet Brandon Delacruz. He suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system, but through playing Silent Hill 2 he has been inspired to not only be a better person but has also given him solace during his frequent hospital stays: