Check out the Packaging Artwork for the Toymunkey Bubblehead Nurse Statue!

Posted By: Whitney   December 21st, 2012 | 9:49 am

Today Masahiro Ito tweeted a link to his painting for the Bubblehead Nurse statue. It’s really cool! I can’t wait to add the statue to my collection!

Source (Masahiro Ito Twitter)

3 responses to “Check out the Packaging Artwork for the Toymunkey Bubblehead Nurse Statue!”

  1. Travis says:

    Where are buying this? I picked up my Pyramid Head on BBTS but I’m unable to find a place to order the nurse.

  2. Whitney says:

    No word just yet but I will keep my eyes open!

  3. Interesting. I like this a lot.