3 Silent Hill Revelation TV Spots and Screens

Posted By: Whitney   October 2nd, 2012 | 3:04 pm

2 responses to “3 Silent Hill Revelation TV Spots and Screens”

  1. Ross Ingram says:

    TV spot 2 pic 4. Glad you got a pic of the homeless bum. Look at that ass crack on his face 🙂 He is more funny than scarey.

  2. miriam says:

    love the music in tv spot 1. really don’t get the creature with the weird disc-hat thing on in the last screenshots in tv spot 3 (which i didn’t care for much, but actually liked the more silent hilly feel from tv spot 1!). also bummed that silent hill does not have a release date in sweden at all…… and you will be watching the movie in less than a month!