Toymunkey’s painted Pyramid Head statue is a thing of beauty

Posted By: Whitney   August 4th, 2012 | 5:38 pm

I received quite a surprise in my email inbox this afternoon, a press release and photos from Toymunkey studio regarding their painted Pyramid Head statue:

Toymunkey Studios Silent Hill Red Pyramid Thing Painted!!! / Pending Approval

Toymunkey Studios in collaboration with Gecco Corp is proud to announce a new line of PVC Statues based on the popular Konami video game series and hit movie Franchise Silent Hill 2! First shown in unpainted form at Comicon 2012, this debut release promises to capture all the horror and suspense of the original series. These incredibly detailed prepainted 1/6 scale figures are constructed of durable PVC and are due this Fall/Winter. More products will be shown soon!

Just recently unveiled at Wonder Festival Japan for the first time, the painted RPT is represented in all his horrific glory! These official pictures of the Painted RPT are still PENDING APPROVAL by Licensor and may differ slightly from the final product as the masterful paintwork is complete and is approved. Please stay tuned for more official pictures and approved work in future updates!

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Toymunkey Studios….A LVL-UP in Toys!

I was very impressed with the unpainted version of the statue I saw in person at Comic Con and I have to say that the painted version is just glorious! I didn’t think I could get any more excited! Pyramid Head looks like he just stepped out of the game and the details in the paint job is just phenomenal! Look at the rust on the the Great Knife and the blood specks on Pyramid Head’s boots!

Gecco Corp’s paint job is a million times better than the official Konami Style HEADLONG Pyramid Head released just two years ago whose paint job was so uninspired, wash out, flat, and dull. The paint job did not do HEADLONG’s amazing sculpture justice. Just compare the paint jobs on the helmet between Konami Style’s 2010 HEADLONG and this Gecco painted HEADLONG. Gecco’s paint job is in a league of it’s own with the use of variations of red, black and browns used recreate Pyramid Head’s rusted helmet while Konami Style’s is just a dull rust orange. Really the two just can’t compare! I am very, very pleased!

I’m amazed that after all these years we are finally getting some affordable high end Silent Hill collectibles domestically…it’s a dream come true!

I know what I’m asking Santa for Christmas this year! 😉

So what do you guys think? Planning on adding Pyramid Head to your collections?

Source (Toymunkey)

5 responses to “Toymunkey’s painted Pyramid Head statue is a thing of beauty”

  1. Alice says:

    I will absolutely have this!
    You are right: it looks like it just stepped out of the game! See his clothes, too, it’s just…to…GOOD to be true! I never expected to see this, NEVER!!!!!!!
    I mean, he having both his Great Knife and a Lying Figure, it’s too much to have in a single sculpture!
    Can’t wait to have this!

    Also, Whitney, you are going to HHN, right? Are you going to film something? Just curious 🙂

  2. Whitney says:

    Yes I’m planning to go! I’m hoping I can film and take pictures to share on here!

  3. Alice says:

    YAY!!!! THANK YOU WHITNEY!! I wanted to go, but im not sure if i will 🙁
    Hope you have fun there! 🙂

  4. Nekroido says:

    I hopped to get my hands on the unpainted version sooo bad. Is it planned for sale?

  5. Caylex T says:

    In the original announcement, these were going for about $150… I hope there will be just one more price drop before they actually get released.

    Shame about those stupid cracks still being there. It’s like they got so over-excited about the helmet texture that they arbitrarily added some cracks to it… I guess when I finally get one of these I’ll just have to greenstuff over them before painting, because right now they just look like the mold got damaged or something in the factory.