Silent Hill Downpour IS HERE!

Posted By: Whitney   March 13th, 2012 | 12:00 am

The wait is over! Silent Hill Downpour is out!

Still on the fence about purchasing the game? I’m compiling a link list of all the reviews as they come in here: Downpour Review Roundup

The game’s soundtrack is also available today in both CD and digital download formats. Be sure to check out my own review: Silent Hill Downpour Soundtrack Review

11 responses to “Silent Hill Downpour IS HERE!”

  1. Aaron Reason says:

    I’m so stoked. I pick up my copy on PS3 tomorrow at Gamestop and my Guide is coming from Amazon as well 🙂 great day 🙂

  2. ccrogers15 says:

    Many glitches, bugs and lags with this title make it very unplayable. The exploration is very boring and is not original, the sound lags out and the story is dull. The graphics are the only good thing about this title. So, ever since SH4, we get horrible “not true to the original” SH games. This proves it. I REALLY hope konami is worried now, cause Silent Hill Book Of Memories WILL WILL WILL fail im 100% sure. Why cant konami get the hint? We want a title from them in house. From KONAMI. Not vatra, climax, ETC. Those third party devs ruined are beloved series. Silent Hill Origins strayed away from the horror, silent hill homecoming was the same, shattard memories lowered the series standards, and this killed it. The end for silent hill is coming, fast unless Konami takes fast action. This title is ALREADY getting mixed to negative reviews. The combat system is broken, same as the game AMY. Your weapons dont sometimes even work like they should, the game sometimes hangs. The animations are WAY off on combat. The game suffers from large framerate drops and full system lockups, and some people are even saying they got RROD/YLOD from this game overheating there system. NOT a good sign of things to come. With this title deeply sending the series off, im terrified to see the outcome of silent hill book of memories. Im sorry silent hill, thank you Vatra for killing our series. To think, vatra said you could compare silent hill downpour to Silent Hill 2… yea ok.

  3. luke says:

    i liked shattered memories and homecoming so if its even as good as that ill be happy

  4. Brad says:

    “some people are even saying they got RROD/YLOD from this game overheating there system. ”

    These do not happen because of games they are just coincidences that the system decided to die when you were using the games. How do I know I worked for Xbox tech.

    The rest you are just on a rage fit.

  5. Kujira says:

    Holy man, this entry is AMAZING. Have spent the first hour just exploring around the bus and gas station because the atmosphere is INCREDIBLE.

  6. Popeye says:

    I gave Konami the finger the other day on FB. It’s not fair how they treat Europe, I’m from the UK. Downpour is already in the shops, but we cant buy until they give the go ahead. First they delay it from March 16th to the 30th, because of them wanting to coincide with the release of their stupid HD Collection, now it MIGHT be the 6th of April.

    I’m sick of their crap. They ALWAYS wait months to release games in Europe…why? Metal Gear, Silent Hill…why? Frustrating as hell.

    I gave them the finger and told them to stuff their games as I wont be buying them now as a matter of principal. I’ll just buy RE ORC next week and be done with Silent Hill 🙂

  7. Luke says:

    @Popeye and this is why i ordered the US version with fast shipping from play asia 🙂 region free FTW!

  8. djliquid69 says:

    I would say this is by far the best silent hill yet i am in love with it but at a cost i have to share this experience i had with my preorder with I preordered the game 3 months ago well i noticed the 13th hit and no shippment. I emailed shipping and was told the next day that they had a techincal error and could not fix my order and cancled my order without even asking me! And said I needed to reorder it and then they would refund the one day shipping what a joke! I say well if i preordered at anyother retailer I would have it for my day off tue at 10am in the morning and I would be playing it and not dealing with this BS. And the only reason i preorded it was for the extra 10$ which i didn’t recieve because they cancled my order and the dlc or combination for locker and weapons i didn’t get! I didn’t have it preorder any where else so i had to buy at walmart when i got off work becuase gamestop was closed! But don’t order from amazon they are horrible and any other game i wouldn’t be so pisssed i am a huge fan and have been waiting along time for this game and it just got in my hands and i am saying after all the BS it was so worth it and next time no preordering from amazon i never done it and was my 1st time doing it lesson learned!

  9. Miranda says:

    Don’t let the reviews spoil it for you!

    I have played and beaten the game and frankly, i’d place it in the top 3 or 4. The storyline is interesting and you’re most likely to fall in love with Murphy in the first hour of gameplay. He gains your sympathy fast but at the same time, you don’t know whether or not he deserves it, which makes the story all the better. Murphy is by far one of the best- if not the best- protagonists in this series.

    The puzzles are intuitive and the Otherworld is the best i’ve seen in the series. The soundtrack is a marvel in itself. Yeah, it’s not Akira Yamaoka; it’s different but in a positive way. It suits the game perfectly.

    Voice acting is usually good, except when Murphy is screaming, but with the mood of the story, you’ll need the laugh every now and then.

    If lag is a huge issue for you, go with the X-Box 360 version. I’m playing it on the PS3 and have had minor problems with lag, but i mean, that was after 5 or 6 straight hours of gameplay. The lagging shouldn’t be much of an issue anyway. If lagging and glitching is really what brought this games score down, why did Skyrim still get such a good review? I had more trouble with that than Downpour.

    Following through with the Silent Hill fame, Downpour isn’t really a scary game, but you’ll be nervous and on edge the entire game. The game made me cry and scream and smile. It’s all around a great entry.

  10. Whitney says:

    Murphy’s screaming was hilarious XD

  11. Sh Fan since SH1 says:

    When I first played Downpour i was disgusted. I got about 37% completion and was so frustrated by the fighting that I almost took it back. I thought to give it a chance and put the difficulty on easy. This makes the game playable. The maps are done very well and I love the fact that it is so big and you can explore. Only problem with exploring is that it doesn’t matter how much you find YOU CAN”T CARRY SHIT! Terrible game designing, that is not what a Silent Hill game is supposed to be like. The music is atrocious, what were they thinking putting a score like that in this game? We want industrial sounding demonic music, not midnight at the fucking opera. I still enjoy this and barely consider it a Silent Hill title. It barely made the cut but yes, it is the first Silent Hill game since SH3.