Silent Hill HD Collection Japanese Release Date and Cover

Posted By: Whitney   January 30th, 2012 | 1:28 am

Konami Japan has listed March 29, 2012 and 4,980 yen as the release date and price of the HD Collection on the PS3 in Japan and even gave a picture of the cover! I doubt it will see an Xbox 360 release though… I have to say I like the American cover a lot better. What do you guys think?

(Source: Thanks Silent Evil for the tip!

3 responses to “Silent Hill HD Collection Japanese Release Date and Cover”

  1. Silent Evil says:

    You’re welcome, thanks for the cred.

    I anticipate this to be merely a preliminary or rough early design. A placeholder image, basically, and that the actual JP cover will be sporting the same background artwork seen on the US and EUR packaging.

    I’ve visited some other Japanese preview articles for the collection, and they feature that ‘Maria’ artwork. Not on a cover, just the artwork. It would seem strange of them not to use it…

  2. smint says:

    I would like the American version if it didn’t have the mini pictures on it. Japanese one isn’t perfect either with the placement of the Konami logo. I really like that Maria pic so thats what wins me over.

  3. Whitney says:

    Yeah I wish the two older covers weren’t on it either. It would have been a lot slicker if it was just Maria!