Alltern8’s Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Review (GREAT 10/10) + follow up by reviewer

Posted By: Whitney   December 12th, 2009 | 10:35 am

I found this review thanks to google alerts 🙂 Yay for another positive review!

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13 responses to “Alltern8’s Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Review (GREAT 10/10) + follow up by reviewer”

  1. WolfSiberia says:

    Hey! Gameinformer has a review for it! (6.25, complaining about controls, and making the Wii version seem like it has PSP graphics.) Article in a second!

  2. WolfSiberia says:

    Sorry for the weirdness of my scanner, BUT YEAH, THOSE LOOK LIKE PSP SCREENSHOTS.
    (I don’t mind if you use the article, just give credit :p)

    (Link goes here, waiting for aproval :3)

  3. Whitney says:

    Thanks! I was waiting for the magazine to appear in my local stores. I’ll have to check again to see if I can buy myself a copy 🙂 I’ll have to add the scans to the game informer review page!

  4. WolfSiberia says:

    OH! You already heard it? I didn’t know they did online reviews too! D:

    But serriously, the controls arn’t THAT bad, they get a little weird sometimes, but it DOES seem like they used a PSP screenshot. Don’t you agree?

  5. Plaguedguy says:

    Man the reviews for this game are all over the place. Are these people even playing the same thing?

    One reviewer says the controls are perfect, another says they’re atrocious. One raves about the beautiful graphics, another says they’re garbage (even by Wii standards.) It’s a bit odd.

  6. Brandon says:

    Plaguedguy, “professional” reviewers and the organizations they are employed by are incentively conditioned to rate games higher than they ought to be. Yet another marvel of the monetary system. As for Silent Hill fans, personally, I think many are too weak to acknowledge to themselves what corresponds to the series and manipulate their own judgment with behavioral justifiers like denial and hope.

  7. Whitney says:

    “Plaguedguy, “professional” reviewers and the organizations they are employed by are incentively conditioned to rate games higher than they ought to be. Yet another marvel of the monetary system”

    @ Brandon: Oh for the love of–yes, this is why every game ever made gets high scores no one ever gives a game a high review because they liked it…no it’s ALWAYS about money.

    “As for Silent Hill fans, personally, I think many are too weak to acknowledge to themselves what corresponds to the series and manipulate their own judgment with behavioral justifiers like denial and hope.”

    What the fuck? That’s a blatant insult to me and others who have enjoyed Silent Hill Shattered Memories. Just because you personally don’t like a game doesn’t mean that another SH fan who does is only delusional.

    According to you fans of SHSM can’t possible like it because they enjoyed the plot, characters or gameplay…No–they only like it because they are too weak to have an real opinion wait–no, excuse me, the correct opinion and will like ANYTHING if it’s attached to the series they love.

    Not liking this game is fine, it’s your opinion but it doesn’t mean anyone who does is in the wrong, stupid or just another Konami sheep. It goes the other way as well, I don’t think you are any less of a SH fan because you didn’t enjoy this particular game. Elitist SH fans make me sick. Brandon get your head out of your ass.

  8. Plaguedguy says:

    I generally prefer that people simply say that they don’t like something rather than throw around accusations of insanity or conspiracy.

    It’s quite o-k to dislike or even outright hate something, but please allow for the possibility that people other than yourself can find enjoyment where you do not.

  9. SH Fan says:

    Plaguedguy, “professional” reviewers and the organizations they are employed by are incentively conditioned to rate games accurately but with respect to their target audience so they can maintain the trust of their readership who will continue to spend money on their publication. Yet another marvel of the monetary system.

    As for people who can’t seem to respect the opinions of others, personally, I think many are too weak to acknowledge to themselves that they aren’t as smart as they think they are and manipulate their own judgment with behavioral justifiers like unwarranted self-importance and close-minded condescension.

  10. Jon says:

    Brandon, what do you have against the monetary system? Without it we wouldn’t have silent hill, video games in general, or other luxury items. The gaming industry seems like one where the people really enjoy it because they love games, and the money is just a side benefit.

    As for SHSM, I loved the game, one of the best games I’ve played in a long time. I’ve played a lot of game but I never had a video game (or even a movie) disturb me so much that I couldn’t sleep hours after I finished it, so what if that makes me “weak.”

  11. Brandon says:

    SH Fan, that was a nice retort. Whitney, Plaguedguy, and SH Fan, unless we want to talk at length on psychology- the study of the human mind- which I am very willing and ready to do, I will stick to analyzing the game and not the players of the game. Truce called. 🙂

    Jon, post your E-mail address here if you feel comfortable doing so or ask Whitney for mine so I may answer your question regarding the monetary system. It will be well worth it.

  12. Andy Coley says:

    On the above comments, David certainly wasnt paid to produce a top notch review of the game, he submitted this himself.

    He is a Pro write for White Wolf Publishing, but has just started submitting articles to the Alltern8 site. This game isnt even out in the UK until Feb, but I now cant wait!

    A lot of game sites do just rehash other reviews, we get sent and play every game we review!

    Rgds, Andy

    PS I too love Google Alerts!

  13. Whitney says:

    @WolfSiberia: sorry I got distracted >_< but yes the screens used in the article looked a bit rough! not quite as bad as this real PSP shot:

    It’s a shame the article didn’t use better screens since the game looks really great in person.

    @Jon: The game sure sticks with you I agree with you there. I wasn’t particularly scared while playing…wait that’s not true I was pretty nervous at one point going through a level that’s an actual fear mine! Once you play through multiple times the scope of the disturbing content of the plot really comes forward! I’m not surprised it kept you up 😉

    @Brandon: Good plan!

    @Andy: Andy the game is wonderful I think you will love it! It’s a shame people in Europe have to wait so long! Thanks for checking in on my site 🙂