Silent Hill Free for Playstation Plus Members!

Posted By: Whitney   March 29th, 2012 | 9:51 am

On April 3 Playstation Plus Members can get the original Silent Hill for free!

Source (Official Playstation Blog)

Silent Hill 2 and 3 Playstation 3 Themes on PSN

Posted By: Whitney   February 15th, 2012 | 5:58 pm

Last week Playstation US released some Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 themes on the Playstation Network for purchase. I don’t have a Playstation 3 myself so I wasn’t able to check them out but Amy from Alchemilla has taken some pictures of the themes available and posted them up on her site!

Silent Hill 2 Premium Theme ($1.99) (4 styles)

Silent Hill 3 Premium Theme ($1.99) (4 styles)

Pretty snazzy if you ask me… but I find myself wondering yet again WHERE IS THE XBOX LOVE KONAMI?!?!

(Source: Alchemilla Hospital and US Playstation Blog)

Photos of the Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 PSN Avatars!

Posted By: Whitney   February 7th, 2012 | 11:31 am

A huge thanks goes to Ross Ingram for taking and sending over these photos of the Silent Hill 2 and 3 avatars available for purchase on the US Playstation Store. It’s nice to know what these guys look like!

You can purchase a each set of 10 for $2.99 or purchase each avatar individually for $0.49 each.

Still no word on when these will be available overseas but I will keep my eyes open!

PlayStation Store Now Offering Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 Avatars

Posted By: Whitney   January 17th, 2012 | 9:40 pm

Silent Hill 2
and Silent Hill 3 avatars have been added to the PlayStation Network for purchase!

Silent Hill 2 Avatar Collection ($2.99)

Silent Hill 2 Avatars (X10) ($0.49 each)

Silent Hill 3 Avatar Collection ($2.99)

Silent Hill 3 Avatars (X10) ($0.49 each)

Unfortunately the Playstation blog didn’t show any images of the avatars but Orçun Çavuşoğlu from Silent Hill Türkiye gave me a description of what was in each pack:

Silent Hill 2: Abstract Daddy, Angela Orosco, Creeper, Eddie Dombrowski, James Sunderland, Laura, Lying Figure, Maria, Bubble Head Nurse, Pyramid Head avatars

Silent Hill 3: Claudia Wolf, Douglas Cartland (A), Douglas Cartland (B), Heather Mason (A), Heather Mason (B), Heather Mason (C), Nurse, Slurper, Valtiel, Vincent avatars

Source (Playstation.Blog) thanks Orçun Çavuşoğlu for the tip!

Heather and James Costumes on Playstation Home

Posted By: Whitney   January 10th, 2012 | 5:08 pm

In celebration of the Silent Hill HD Collection (which was supposed to release later this month but has now been delayed) Playstation Home has a James and Heather outfit available for download. These costumes will go perfectly with the Nurse, Pyramid Head and Robbie costumes they released last year! Hey Konami where’s the Xbox love? I would pimp out my Xbox Live avatar with Silent Hill stuff if it was available!

Source (Alphazone4) via Silent Haven