Donna Burke: Kojima was fired by Konami [UPDATE – Not really]

Posted By: Whitney   April 9th, 2015 | 9:40 am

UPDATE – April 11, 2015

Donna Burke has revised her original statement on her Facebook last night:


I’m glad to hear that Kojima wasn’t fired but I’m still confused over Ms. Burke’s word choice. Though from a friend and co-worker perspective it may just seem like Kojima’s demoted role within the company is on par with being fired even if he is technically still working with the company at the present time.

Just goes to show it is important to be careful how you describe a situation, especially when there’s a lot of uncertainty and a passionate fan base.

Source (Donna Burke FB)

Original Post April 9, 2015

Well the whole Hideo Kojima/Konami fiasco just continues to get more depressing with each day.

Donna Burke voice actress for both the Silent Hill (Angela (SH2), Claudia (SH3)) and Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes revealed on her twitter that Hideo Kojima was indeed fired by Konami upper management.


Ouch. reached out to Konami for comment and they simply said that Burke’s comments are “categorically incorrect.”

Source ( )

4 responses to “Donna Burke: Kojima was fired by Konami [UPDATE – Not really]”

  1. Glass says:

    Such a bummer. Silent Hills was one of my most anticipated games. Now it might not even be made, and if it is, I might not even be interested. 🙁

  2. Crimsonrain says:

    Although the situations are totally different this makes me feel as bad as what’s going on with David Lynch/Showtime and Twin Peaks. :/

  3. Diego35HD says:

    There goes the last good thing about Konami, i really hope it dies soon. And about Silent Hills, i don’t really mind if it’s cancelled. We just can’t get cool things these days. ’cause yeah, R.I.P Silent Hill, R.I.P Dance Dance Revolution and R.I.P Metal Gear.

    Good job KONAMI! Good job killing yourself, you need to die.

  4. Tucker m says:

    Konami has this huge issue with control and distrust for the artists they hire. The have proven to most of us Silent Hill fans that they systematically destroyed the team that was Team Silent, not paying them well, giving them harsh deadlines (Owatta even stayed the night to do rendering I believe unpaid). Then the whole fiasco with not wanting to PAY VOICE ACTORS for re-releasing Silent Hill 2 and 3. Konami seems money hungry and very very unaware of what makes good art, I have no Idea how they managed to get Kojima or Team Silent but I do know that now, they cannot make a good game without Kojima, he was their last good revenue stream. It will hurt to see Metal Gear get dragged threw random developer after developer like Silent Hill got dragged threw. This time though, unlike with Silent Hill, millions of fans will be watching and very very picky… if they fuck it up, and they will, they will become a laughing stock and universally hated by gamers. I would like to personally applaud the person in charge for single handedly ruing a company by firing a man they should have just SOLD they company to, though its smarter for Kojima to just start himself and not take in Konamis failed games and growing debts and bad press. Goodbye Konami, I hope the fall hurts badly.