Posted By: Whitney   October 31st, 2014 | 12:00 am


I’m no cosplayer (can’t sew ;_;) but I love dressing up in scary costumes for Halloween using store bought things I cobble together 🙂 This year I put together a P.T. Lisa and “Unnamed Protagonist” costume for me and my dog Francis York Morgan (who is such a good sport). These photos were taken last Sunday before a party but I am dressing up today as Lisa for work!


PT Dude– The jacket/hoodie is store bought from Petco! It’s not the exact colors but I figured it was close enough! I’m quite proud of the little accessories and wig I made for him 🙂


Lisa – I’m bummed the makeup wouldn’t stay on my teeth though XD oh well! Hopefully I can make my teeth more messed up today…Since I can’t sew I dyed (and inked) a white store bought nightgown. I did all the makeup and I even cut and “styled” the wig I was wearing.

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