Pictures of the Final Version of Gecco’s Heather Statue

Posted By: Whitney   January 24th, 2014 | 12:05 pm

Here’s what the final Heather Statue looks like! I have to say it is an improvement from the production sample photos we saw in November but it’s still not as gorgeous as the paint job in the original sample. Though difference is quality between the final product and samples are to be expected. Overall I’m still pleased with the statue though and can’t wait to own her and see the paint job in person.

Source (Hobby Search)

2 responses to “Pictures of the Final Version of Gecco’s Heather Statue”

  1. Chris says:

    This looks awesome

  2. Rudy says:

    Just got the email this morning confirming the shipping of this statue. I just wish that bigbadtoystore hadn’t cancelled my order on the sdcc pyramid head.