Month of Silent Hill – Week 4!

Posted By: Whitney   October 24th, 2013 | 5:29 pm


It’s the Month of Silent Hill!

Silent Hill Historical Society has teamed up with Alchemilla, Silent Haven, Silent Nerd, and Silent Hill Paradise websites to bring you a new contest/giveaway every week this month …and the first week of November.

Hey Silent Hill messes with time so we can add another week to October to bring you 5 different contests no? 😉

This week’s contest is brought you by the awesome Silent Haven!

Check his site for details on how you can win an iPhone Red Pyramid Thing or Bubble Head Nurse Case!


What: For the next week I will be hosting a worldwide giveaway where I will giveaway two brand new Toymunkey Studios iPhone5 cases: 1 Bubble Head Nurse case and 1 Red Pyramid Thing case. You may enter to win both if you wish. Both cases feature artwork from the series original art director Masahiro Ito!


1. Because I got the Halloween slot for my week’s giveaway, I am holding a Halloween themed contest to win the Red Pyramid Thing iPhone 5 case. To enter to win the RPT case you must SUBMIT to me YOUR Silent Hill costume in which YOU will be sporting THIS YEAR for Halloween and I will post it in a photo album titled “RPT iPhone 5 case giveaway!” on Silent Haven’s facebook page. The costume/photo with the most likes will be crowned the owner of the Red Pyramid Thing iPhone5 case! Photo quality does not matter of course, but may help enhance your costume’s aesthetic resulting in more likes!

2. To enter to win the Bubble Head Nurse iPhone5 case you must like/follow at least one of the following in the app below. The winner for this raffle will be chosen at random. The more steps completed the better your chances are of winning!

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