Looking to Pre-Order the Toymunkey RPT Statue?
Posted By: Whitney December 19th, 2012 | 10:48 amThe Toymunkey Studios Facebook page as been a buzz the last few days about the upcoming release of the Red Pyramid Thing statue. The statue has been release in Japan for the last few weeks (and there’s been several on auction sites for $200 + for sale) but there hasn’t been much information where we can put in our pre-orders domestically.
I contacted Toymunkey last night asking where fans can start placing their orders and I was informed that domestic retailers are starting to advertise the statue for sale and most comic and toy shops should have it for pre-order right now and that Tokymunkey will have a full list of retailers up on their site by the end of the year.
A list will be detailed on the site hopefully by the end of the year.
I’ve done some googling and have found the statue up for pre-order on these comic shop/toy sites so far:
Midtown Comics – $139.99
Cinequest – $142.16
Big Bad Toy Store -$149.99
Urban Collector – $158.99
Things from Another World – $159.99 (pre-order deadline 12/26)
Comics America – $185.83
Source (Toymunkey Studios)