Silent Hill Revelation: Red Band Nurses Spot

Posted By: Whitney   October 23rd, 2012 | 4:35 pm

This is a fucking stupid Silent Hill Revelation TV Spot.

6 responses to “Silent Hill Revelation: Red Band Nurses Spot”

  1. Perry Mason says:

    That was just embarrassing.

  2. Caylex Thompson says:

    Whose bright idea was this? Oh dear. Just… oh dear.

  3. Alex says:

    Poor Michael Basset must’ve been hitting his head over the wall when he saw this TV spot.

  4. Spense says:


  5. KiramidHead (Bruce K.) says:

    That was the funniest damn thing to come out of SH in a while.

  6. HB Duran says:

    Oh dear gawd my neighbors probably thought that was porn. So sad.