Hideo Kojima Asked to Work on Silent Hill

Posted By: Whitney   September 27th, 2012 | 10:37 am

Well this is rathering interesting at Eurogame Expo Hideo Kojima said that the President of Konami has personally asked him to make the next Silent Hill game. What do you guys think?

“In the past I’ve mentioned Silent Hill in interviews, and as a result of that the president of Konami rung me up and said he’d like me to make the next Silent Hill.

Honestly, I’m kind of a scaredy-cat when it comes to horror movies, so I’m not confident I can do it. At the same time, there’s a certain type of horror that only people who are scared of can create, so maybe it’s something I can do.

That said, I think Silent Hill has a certain atmosphere. I think it has to continue, and I’d love to help it continue, and if I can help by supervising or lending the technology of the Fox Engine, then I’d love to participate in that respect.”

It will be interesting to see what he does with the series. Hey! Maybe now with Kojima involved Konami would market the hell out of the series like they do with Metal Gear? 😉

Source (Eurogamer.net thanks Ashley Vendoc) Big thanks to SHH for tweeting about this earlier and bringing it to my attention!

12 responses to “Hideo Kojima Asked to Work on Silent Hill”

  1. Rollefan222 says:

    I’ll be so excited if he does work on the next project.

    That made my day when i read it this morning.

  2. Ross Ingram says:

    Very interesting and exciting news. At least we know Konami hasn’t given up on Silent Hill.

  3. Alchemist says:

    So, does that mean that Konami lost faith in Western Developers and they are thinking of giving it back to Japan.

  4. Rollerfan222 says:

    Alchemist, that is one of the most ridiculous and non-sensical comments i’ve read.

  5. Alchemist says:

    Rollerfan222, instead of giving me this kind of Comment you should tell me what exactly was wrong with my Comment, so that i can explain myself.

  6. Rollerfan222 says:

    Japanese are not the only ones who can make “good” horror. And Silent Hill has only had ONE western developer.

    Among a shitload of things i wont list right now, that’s what’s wrong with your comment.

  7. Alchemist says:

    Okay i’m sorry about that. I wasn’t trying to bash Western Developers because i liked what they did with the Franchise, especially Downpour, which was great. That Comment was more directed at Konami and i admit i wasn’t clear on that(my rusted English Skills may also be at fault since it is not my first Language), sorry about that.
    But you are Wrong about that, that they only had One Western Developer. There are Vatra Games(Downpour), Climax Studios(Origins and Shattered Memories) and Double Helix(Homecoming). And from an Asian Standpoint they are all Western Developers.

  8. nuvee says:

    Yay, 9 hours of cutscenes. Think I’ll skip SH from now on.

  9. nuvee says:

    Actually he didn’t state he’ll do anything with Silent Hill at all in this article. So good riddance to this cutscene-obsessed dude.

  10. Caylex T says:

    I don’t know if this is a good thing. Hideo Kojima has done some amazing things for video games, but only because he’s somewhat on the crazy side (for instance, fourth-wall breaking goodness and clever meta-gaming as necessary to progress). When it comes to storytelling in a persistent world… one word: nanomachines.

  11. SOLID_ANARCHY says:

    Hopefully Kojima will work on silent hill. The Metal Gear series is the best video game series ever (not saying I’m not a Silent Hill lover i mean why else am I on this site). It’ll maybe do the series some good. Just saying.

  12. Gilver says:

    Silent Gear, Metal Hill