UK Downpour and HD Collection Pre-Order Bonus…and a Release Date!

Posted By: Whitney   March 4th, 2012 | 12:54 pm

UK retailer has an awesome Pre-Order bonus for ordering Silent Hill Downpour and HD Collection a Toluca Lake T-Shirt! How adorable is that? I’m happy to see there’s cool swag to be had for UK Silent Hill fans!

Order Silent Hill Downpour: Xbox 360 | Playstation 3

Order Silent Hill HD Collection: Xbox 360 | Playstation 3

Now for some more great news we have official word from Konami on FB that Downpour is scheduled for a March 29 release. I hope we will get some sort of official press release soon.

Source ( | Konami FB) Thanks David for all this info!

5 responses to “UK Downpour and HD Collection Pre-Order Bonus…and a Release Date!”

  1. merzitar says:

    I noticed the pre-order bonus for HD Collection earlier. I was quite shocked because it just popped out of nowhere — Still, it’s nice to get something extra, eh? You know, I keep getting e-mails from Zavvi apologising for not shipping the game yet. Maybe I should e-mail them and say “Don’t worry, it’s not out yet!!” lol.

    Hmm… so according to their official Facebook, both Silent Hill HD Collection and Silent Hill Downpour are due to release on the same day in the UK? I also find it odd that the date they’re giving is on a Thursday, when in the UK, games are normally released on a Friday, unless it’s simultaneous with the US, in which case it’ll be on a Tuesday. Well I guess we will just have to wait and see.

  2. Ross Ingram says:

    Preordered mine from Zavvi last month because it was the cheapest. Good to know I’ll be getting a cool t-shirt 🙂

  3. Ross Ingram says:

    Just changed my preorder of Downpour to Zavvi just a £1 more than If I get 2 shirts I would love to send you one Whitney.

  4. Whitney says:

    @Ross wow that would be awesome and it’s terribly sweet of you to offer! I would love to add one to my collection 😀