Guy Cihi and Dave Schaufele sign the SH2 rights waivers

Posted By: Whitney   September 29th, 2011 | 9:46 am

You know what made my day today? This:

Dave Schaufele and Guy Cihi sign the SH2 rights waivers – Sept. 29, 2011
Very special thanks to Monica Taylor Horgan and Donna Burke for signing their waivers! Fans, you need to understand that this simply wouldn’t have been possible without the cooperation and support of Tomm Hulett, Devin Shatsky and Michael Ranja of Konami USA. Plus, I would like to issue a special note of gratitude to Michael Patrick Arnold of Silent Haven who worked selflessly behind the scenes to get everyone together on this, and make the Win-Win ending possible. I don’t think we could have done it without you, Mike!

-Guy Cihi

Thank you Tomm Hulett, Devin Shatsky, Michael Ranja of Konami USA and of course Mike from Silent Haven and Monica Taylor Horgan for their parts in bringing this happy day to all the Silent Hill fans.

Source (Guy Cihi Facebook) Thanks to John and Miriam for bringing this to my attention it was a nice surprise when I woke up!

2 responses to “Guy Cihi and Dave Schaufele sign the SH2 rights waivers”

  1. tibbar says:

    does this mean the hd collection is going to have the original voice acting now?

  2. Alex says:

    I hope they keep the original voice acting the silent hill games just wouldn’t be the same with the same feel. I am however excited for the HD remakes of 2 and 3 even if they did re-do the voice acting i hope at least they still allow it on the disc so we can have the option to change it back to the original voices if we didn’t like the new ones.