Silent Hill HD Collection: New Screens and Box Art Revealed!
Posted By: Whitney August 28th, 2011 | 2:07 pmA couple days ago some more Silent Hill: HD Collection screens were released including several from Silent Hill 3
I like that a lot of the clothes in Silent Hill 2 look more like fabric and less like it belongs on a vinyl figure of the character. It’s really apparent on James’ coat! I know that these are probably no better than the PC version of the game but as someone who does not play games on my PC I’m really excited to see this kind of clarity from a console playable version of Silent Hill 2. I can’t ever remember the Silent Hill Historical Society being that clear inside! Though now that I think about it it’s probably because there isn’t a grain filter on that screencap lol. Anyway maybe we will have better views of those cool paintings and artworks in the there and the prison instead of having to look at the texture files!
As for the 2 Silent Hill 3 shots well I can’t say I’m super impressed but I think it has more to do with the fact that one of them is clearly incomplete! I’m looking at you Heather in Happy Burger! Where’s the window to the outside world?! It’s not only missing the cool shadows and the light but the tops of potted plant and details from the remains of Heather’s meal are missing as well. I’m flabbergasted Konami would release such an incomplete scene as a screencap. Gagh! What an awful shot to pick :\
Yesterday posted what appears to be the box art for the Silent Hill HD Collection and it sure is pretty! The consensus around the fans seems to be that it may be the nicest Silent Hill box art to date…and I agree to a point.
I love the crying Maria (you know it’s her because she’s wearing Maria’s choker) but I can’t say I’m not keen on the layout of all the elements. The off center logo looks like it’s too close to the right side of the box and just seems swished. I’m not too fond of the inclusion of the two games covers on the front either. I think the cover would have been a lot more elegant without those bright covers and just focused on the crying Maria and placing the two game covers on on the back… But I see how it’s a necessary evil from a marketing standpoint to show the covers on the front since it screams that “Hey there’s two cool games in this collection!”
What do you guys think? It would definitely make a nice product poster that’s for sure!
Source (Rely on Horror and Amazon)