Silent Hill HD Collection Coming to Xbox 360? [Update- It’s not]
Posted By: Whitney August 2nd, 2011 | 1:52 pmUPDATE: Nope, it’s not it’s an PS3 exclusive according to Konami it’s an error on the Gamestop website.
According to Gamestop’s website that seems to be the case as you can pre order the collection for Xbox 360. Konami has said for weeks that this is a Playstation 3 exclusive so I’m wondering if this was posted in error. Hopefully this isn’t the case and Konami has had decided to release the collection on both systems. I will make some inquiries to find out!
Source ( Thanks to Silent Haven for the tip!
Seems to not just be on the site. I was able to preorder it in store. Multiple people in various locations have also been able to do this on store. GameFly also lists the game for the 360. Hopefully we’ll find out officially soon though.
Nope it’s still a PS3 exclusive according to Konami 🙁 I wonder what’s going on?