A Cornucopia of Shattered Memories Concept Art!

Posted By: Whitney   May 8th, 2011 | 10:14 am

Climax character artist Jeen Lih Lun posted some nice concept art of the Silent Hill Shattered Memories characters she worked on over on her personal website. I was really happy to see some bigger versions of some the character sheets I’ve only seen in small print the Shattered Memories Japanese game guide!

Big thanks goes to JaneTheNurse on the Silent Hill Community for leading me to this artists site!

Source (JeenLun’s Blog)

6 responses to “A Cornucopia of Shattered Memories Concept Art!”

  1. Amy Balot says:

    OMG, this is badass. This makes my day.

  2. Mike says:

    Amazing thanks for the link!

  3. Jon says:

    Thanks, this is great.

  4. Whitney says:

    It made my day too! I wish more renders were released though 🙁 Especially of the Rawshocks!

  5. Sanda says:

    Oh wow! These are amazing 🙂 TY for posting these!

  6. Kari says:

    this is no concept art, is 3D Art, anyways it’s just great! Thx for sharing! <3