Devin Shatsky – There’s No Silent Hill Multiplayer in the Works

Posted By: Whitney   March 21st, 2011 | 10:35 am

Devin Shatsky, producer of Silent Hill: Downpour, visited the Hell Descent Forums to let fans know that the rumor of a multiplayer Silent Hill are completely false. A multiplayer element was considered in the early development of Silent Hill: Downpour but was dropped when the team determined how much time, money and effort it would takeaway from the core single player experience.

Shatsky believes that either interviewer misinterpreted Radek Marek’s (Silent Hill Downpour Art Director’s) answer, or the meaning was lost in translation.

Whoever that Italian interviewer was either took Radek’s comments completely out of context, or it was lost in translation. As previously mentioned, we were (many moons ago) investigating a separate Multiplayer mode, but that was quickly extinguished when we costed it out and determined how much resource time it would detract from the core singleplayer experience.

Source (Hell Descent Forums)

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