A neat fan song and music video about Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Posted By: Whitney   February 7th, 2010 | 3:12 pm

I thought this was cool!

7 responses to “A neat fan song and music video about Silent Hill: Shattered Memories”

  1. Brandon says:

    I thought that was Brittany, a fellow SH fan, singing in the video. I guess this lady is Rebbecca. The vocals, the lyrics, and the video are all very well done!

  2. Lisa says:

    So the profiling didn’t work for her, and why am I supposed to care again?

  3. Whitney says:

    @Brandon – Oh cool! Does this Brittany have songs on the web? Glad you like the video 🙂

    @ Lisa – I just thought it was a cute song about SHSM 🙁

  4. I can’t really say I liked it… Pretty upbeat for an SH song and generally I think it is mediocre. I didn’t particularly see any meaning in the lyrics… It was like reading a review with music, nothing really heart-felt or emotional. Hm… Props for the effort though, considering it’s quite amateurish too. 🙂

  5. Whitney says:

    It’s meant to be a review actually. That’s how this girl reviews games all of them are through songs. I thought it was cool.

  6. Really? Roflol. 😀 Then it’s ok I guess, still nothing amazing but ok…

  7. Brandon says:

    No, it was just a lady from Overdose who looks like this singer.

    Piece0fSheet, you’re crazy. This song and music video was quite good.