Who beat Silent Hill Shattered Memories? I did!

Posted By: Whitney   December 5th, 2009 | 4:04 pm

Wow I didn’t think I would be able to beat it being such a wii-tard but I did! Man it was such a fun game. I’m going to have to replay to get all the endings, echos and mementos so I’ll definitely get my money’s worth.

Overall there’s lots of nice nods to the original! I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone so I’ll wait to write all my thoughts until after the game is “officially” released next week….I just got to say this though (might be spoilerish since it regards the ending but I will be very vague (highlight if you want to read):

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Overall I agree with IGN’s review. The game was beautiful with a lot of little details, the flashlight worked wonderful once I got the hang of the controls!

BTW Silent Hill: Shattered Memories > Silent Hill Homecoming by far

36 responses to “Who beat Silent Hill Shattered Memories? I did!”

  1. Brandon says:

    A smiley spoiler?! Damnit, you ruined it for me. 😛

    I am pacing myself, but anticipate I will beat it on Monday night.

  2. WolfSiberia says:

    I’m at the lighthouse, so… <3

    I had sexy Cybil (With Nice Cybil’s personality.), pink dress Michelle, Hot Topic Dahlia, and regular Lisa, is there is a regular.

  3. Whitney says:

    I had (highlight to read):

    Law and Order SVU Cybil and nice
    Emo Dahlia
    Michelle with light pink dress and tiara
    and regular Lisa (pink scrubs) is there another version of Lisa?

  4. Brandon says:

    Whitney, dial 220-8330 in the game.

  5. Jon says:

    That was quick, how long did it take you? I usually end up taking a few days on these type of games. Glad to hear it was fun.

  6. Loool! 😀 😛 Nice. I didn’t see that coming! Good that you enjoyed it. Have you been playing all day? 😎 Now that you got to know it you’ll have to start considering recording. You could have your walkthrough/”Let’s Play” up by Tuesday. xD Most people will be getting their games then and when they see it they’ll be like “Wtf??”. And a walkthrough before release. Godlike pwnage. 😀

  7. domon7411 says:

    Well, I went to Gamestop tonight to see if maybe they had gotten it in yet. the good news is that they had! the bad news is that they aren’t budging on giving it out til Tuesday. =v(

    Oh well, I guess it’ll be my reward for getting through finals.

  8. WolfSiberia says:

    Okay, so like, anyone figure out how to get the UFO ending yet?

    OR ANY bonuses? Otherwise, this game was a complete disapointment in a way… I really like seeing the bonuses…

  9. Whitney says:

    @Brandon will try when I’m back home!
    @jon hmm 6 hours between thursday and friday and another 5 after I bought the guide so around 11 hours total. So just as long as any other sh game. I plan to replay it to get all the endings and extras 🙂
    @domon it will be a nice reward!
    @wolfsibera according to the guide there are several costumes after the hospital level depending on what ending you are heading for (it’s like a progress report) you can still get any ending but it lets you know where you are headed. As for the UFO ending it’s only unlocked after one playthrough. I assume you play a new+ game- the guide had mentioned UFO locations to take pictures of. I’m going for this ending next and collecting the mementos and echoes I missed the first time round 🙂

  10. Yuki says:


    Is that number something funny, or something spoilery…?

  11. WolfSiberia says:

    @ Yuki – Its Konami Customer support. They say “Our caller ID shows that you are calling from Silent Hill, and even WE can’t help you from there.”

    @ Whitney – O RLY? I can’t wait to see! Would you mind showing us where the pic locations are?? IF You have the guide?

  12. Yuki says:


    @Whitney, did you have trouble shaking the Raw Shocks off of you just as much as I did? I’m having trouble determining where to wave my Wiimote…

  13. Whitney says:

    @ Brandon: I liked the Konami Help center I also liked this one: 555-2502 (I have a feeling Ratio will like it too) lol

    @ WolfSiberia
    I scanned the location pages and wrote how to unlock the ending here:


    @ Yuki: I had some problems. The ones that grabbed me from the front and back were easy to shake off but the ones clinging from the sides were sometimes difficult. Actually I think I had the most problems with pulling down obstacles I only really successfully did it once I believe…I usually just kept running.

    If they grab from the front thrust the wiimote and numchuck forwards and upwards. Pretend you are pushing someone away.

    If they grab from the back: thrust the wiimote and numchuck backwards. Pretend you are elbowing someone off your back.

    For the left side: trust the wiimote and numchuck to the left

    for the right side: thrust the wiimote and numchuck to the right.

    If you have several on you I usually take care of the ones hanging in the front and back of Harry and then get rid of the side ones

  14. Yuki says:

    Okay, that helps out a ton. Thank you!

    So far, my feelings are mixed on it. I really enjoy it, it’s a great game and it feels mostly Silent Hill-y, but I miss the random crap like the corpse in the bathroom with the key…

  15. WolfSiberia says:

    Thanks Whitney! I’m just trying to beat it with Prostitute Dahlia. Everything else is the same O___o; Except Lisa’s personality.

  16. Anton says:

    Oh please put spoiler warning whenever you write something spoilery like you did now :P, i still have to wait til feb 🙁

  17. WolfSiberia says:

    I give it a “meh” rating. I was really disapointed by

    (highlight to read)
    the ending.

    I will stick to my Silent Hill 3 <3

  18. Whitney says:

    @ WolfSiberia: (highlight to read) There are several (4 + UFO)? Which one didn’t you like?

  19. WolfSiberia says:

    (SPOILERS highlight to read) (I dunno how to use the “Highlight to read” stuffs but…) I got one where Cheryl was in the therapy, and Harry totally shattered infront of her. I’m guessing its a “bad” ending? I HOPE ANYWAY?!

  20. Brandon says:

    I think it might be BBC snippets.

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  21. Brandon says:

    Or maybe wiki formatted snippets. Which is it Whit? *pushes your wheelchair and suddenly freezes :P*

  22. Whitney says:

    It’s html: Remove the spaces between the brackets.

    (SPOILERS highlight to read) < font color="white" >spoilers text here < / font >

  23. WolfSiberia says:

    Thanks Whit.
    (SPOILERS – highlight.)
    Would you telling me how to get a different ending, please? :] Or you can make a new post about it… I didn’t really like the ending I got. Twice. D;

  24. WolfSiberia says:


    < font color="white" >Why…?< / font >

  25. Whitney says:

    You didn’t have a space between font and color. I’ll make a topic on the community forum right now

  26. WolfSiberia says:

    Yay!!! Thanks!

  27. Faded-Myth says:

    So was it about what you expected, or more? Do tell!

  28. Whitney says:

    @ Faded-Myth: It was how I expected…pretty awesome! I wasn’t a fan of the nightmare chase sequences but I loved exploring, using the phone and of course the overall storyline. I admit the monster could have looked a little better but I think it was cool enough that they changed depending on how you played.

    Overall I had the same feeling about this game as I did after playing Silent Hill 2…there’s layers of meaning, it’s great! I’ll have my work cut out for me writing my thoughts about each of the characters, locations, messages etc!

  29. WolfSiberia says:

    I just got the UFO ending.
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  30. WolfSiberia says:


  31. JCR says:

    Did anyone find the gallery glitch?
    …I did 🙁

  32. Whitney says:

    no what’s the gallery glitch 🙁

  33. Whitney says:

    I missed a UFO in the school dang it! 🙁 haha I have to start over again after I get the “drunk Harry ending” so I didn’t read the UFO post….but I’m glad it’s funny!! WolfSiberia 🙂

  34. JCR says:

    Im not exactly sure how it happened, but this is what happened to me. I saved some pics from my first game and started a new game. I still had the same pics from the first one and I ran out of room for more pics (a max of 10 pics) So I deleted some and everything seemed fine. When I went back to the gallery, it said my data was corrupted. I had a choice to delete or cancel the data, so I canceled but Harry was unable to interact with objects so I had to reset. When I was playing, I entered the gallery to see if everything was alright and found that it was still corrupted. So I decided to delete the data and see what happens. Once again, the game had Harry unable to open doors or interact with objects. I reset again and found that my profile had been deleted 🙁
    Down but NOT out! I’m still going to play after work and unlock those endings! Shattered Memories is the bomb diggity!
    …so has anyone else encountered this problem?

  35. WolfSiberia says:

    Actually, that happened to me too!!