Site Progress Report: I’m alive I swear!
Posted By: Whitney December 27th, 2009 | 1:27 amHi guys! I hope you all had a nice holiday!
I’m still working on my massive walk through of the game! It’s taking me longer than I thought it would… So I’m sorry about the lack of recent updates to the other sections!
I have about 60% of total walkthrough written and I’ve written out the quickest routes through each nightmare sequences (Lots of trial and errors there!) All I need to do now is write directions for general exploration areas of Silent Hill past the first nightmare. I’m aiming to have the writing completed by the end of next week. *fingers crossed*
Once this walkthrough is out of the way I’ll start on the various other game related sections such as: Character descriptions, Secrets, Endings, Theories, Comparisons, etc. I also plan to update all the new reviews I’ve gathered to the Reviews section, add some more recent post release Accolades, and Official Blog entries!
In other news have a video capturing device (a Dazzle) coming from Amazon so once that arrives I’m going to start capturing videos and screenshots for the site.
Nice. 🙂
Awesome Whitney! Looking forward to the finish project! 😀
Thanks guys! I really hope everyone will find this guide useful! I’ve finished taking notes of all the exploration areas and now I just need to write it all out in complete sentences and add it to what I’ve completed so far.
I can’t believe I’ve actually done this…never ever thought I would be able to make a game guide! But it actually wasn’t that bad 🙂
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it’s pretty exciting woo! Once this is done such a big weight will be off my shoulders! I look forward to working finally filling out the other sections!
BTW I finally received the Wicked and Weak ending through my latest playthough yaaaay 🙂