Daniel Feit from Wired.com Game | Life Hands On- SH:SM Frightens, Frustrates… responds to my questions :)

Posted By: Whitney   September 25th, 2009 | 11:32 pm

Earlier I posted Daniel Feit’s review of the Silent Hill Shattered Memories demo at the Tokyo Game Show. I posted a comment to his article earlier today:

Posted by: Whitney | 09/25/09 | 1:34 pm
I have a couple questions about the demo at the TGS. How long did you play for? Were you able to take the psych profile? Did you wander around Silent Hill looking for clues for your daughter a little bit or were you just attacked by monsters? From your review it just sounds like you just experienced the monster chase bits of the game.

And when I came home I noticed he was nice enough to answer my inquiry 🙂

Posted by: Daniel Feit | 09/25/09 | 6:07 pm

The demo started in the dark, icy town without explanation of what my objectives were. I think I played for eight minutes or so. There was no mention of a “psych profile” unless that was an option somewhere on my phone.

This could just be a bad demo. Maybe there are some psychologically challenging portions that they felt would not “show” very well, so they went with incomprehensible action instead.

It’s too bad he didn’t get the full demo experience others had at e3, I think he would have left with a better impression of the game. Hopefully he’ll give it another shot when the game comes out in November!

One response to “Daniel Feit from Wired.com Game | Life Hands On- SH:SM Frightens, Frustrates… responds to my questions :)”

  1. Brandon says:

    “The demo started in the dark, icy town without explanation of what my objectives were.”

    That sounds right, but his review was not raving in the least. I still hope for an moderate improvement over Origins and Homecoming.