Tokyo Game Show (’09) Photos and Reports

Posted By: Whitney   September 24th, 2009 | 11:02 pm

Man I really wish I could go to TGS 🙂 Especially to see the new Silent Hill game. Since I’m not cool enough to attend I have to be satisfied with the second hand reports and photos I find on the internet. So far there hasn’t been a lot but I was able to find a couple foreign articles discussing some of what they saw at the Silent Hill Shattered Memories section of the ekonami booth!

1) It appears that the Silent Hill “swag” at the Konami booth was just a postcard! It looks like it’s the same background used on the Nintendo Power cover with Harry and the monsters missing with the focus on a deserted Silent Hill street, Cheryl’s eyes and the Shattered Memories logo.


2) Konami only had the PSP and Wii versions of the game and they they were set up in a quiet corner of the booth which one con goer from thought:

“ そして「SILENT HILL -SHATTERED MEMORIES-」はプレイヤーの恐怖心を煽る暗闇の中,PSP版とWii版の試遊台を各3台用意。ほかのコーナーに比べて妙に静かなのがゲームの雰囲気とマッチしすぎており,その場にいるだけで寒気がした。”

Thanks to Google translate:

“And “SILENT HILL-SHATTERED MEMORIES-” is scared of the dark whip player, and PSP versions of each Wii version of units 3 units available.Which matches the mood of the game too much is strangely quiet compared to the other corner, you’ve got the chills just being there.

Sources: Game | Life Hands On: Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Frightens, Frustrates

Daniel Feit from’s Game Life was able to check out the TGS demo of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and unfortunately was less then impressed. He thought the game was scary but felt the demo was overall “frustrating beyond belief.” Feit further explained that had no idea what he was supposed to look for during the demo and he had no tips to go on besides to “keep running.” Overall he felt the demo provided no incentive to find out what Silent Hill: Shattered Memories was is all about and if it was just spent “running away from monsters,” he didn’t feel it was an “appealing way to spend [his] time.”

I’m a little sad to hear that Feit didn’t enjoy the demo and found it frustrating. It makes me wonder if they had a shorter demo at the TGS? The reports from E3 were gave the game a lot of praise and people were able to grasp what the game was all about. I wonder if Feit was able to take the pysch questionnaire and walked around the snowy Silent Hill a bit or if he was just dropped in the middle of a monster chase sequence? At least he thought it was scary though! 🙂

You can read his entire review of the demo here: Hands On: Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Frightens, Frustrates

3 responses to “Tokyo Game Show (’09) Photos and Reports”

  1. Brandon says:

    Say Whitney, are you going to hook me up with that Shattered Memories poster?

  2. Whitney says:

    It’s not mine, I just found the image online. I want one myself!

  3. Brandon says:

    I know, I know.

    What is with the forced child labor in the first picture. Konami engages in human trafficking?