New PSP and Wii Screenshots from the Tokyo Game Show 2009

Posted By: Whitney   September 24th, 2009 | 9:58 am has posted some new screenshots for Silent Hill Shattered Memories on the wii and psp.  So far I’m liking the graphics on both systems I really wish they would release some PS2 screens!

PSP and Wii

2 responses to “New PSP and Wii Screenshots from the Tokyo Game Show 2009”

  1. Brandon says:

    Not bad screeencaps.

    Again, I despise the on-screen button assist. An option better be provided to disable this.

  2. Whitney says:

    SGTCOOL on the Silent Hill Heaven forum noticed that the wii mote cross hairs are missing on some of these shots, maybe there is an option to turn it off?