Da Silva House

Where: Sidney, Ohio
Game: N/A

Where Sharon, Chris and Rose live.

Smitty’s & Brahams Gas

Where: Brahams, Town Neighboring Silent Hill, West Virginia
Game: N/A

Rose stopped here on the way to Silent Hill and found out Chris canceled her credit cards. Cybil took noticed of Sharon and Rose here and became suspicious of Rose’s intentions with an upset Sharon.

Central Silent Hill Streets

Where: Silent Hill
Game: Silent Hill

Shortly after her car accident Rose wanders these streets in search of Sharon.

Dark Alley

Played by: Central Silent Hill
Game: Silent Hill

Rose followed Dark Alessa into this alley thinking it was Sharon and experienced her first otherworld transition.

Bowling Alley (Possibly Pete’s Bowl-O-Rama)

Location: Central Silent Hill
Game: Silent Hill 2

Rose ran into this alley during the first Otherworld transition to get away from the Grey Children that were attacking her. No sign is shown during the movie but in set photos a sign for Pete’s Bowl-O-Rama is seen on the main street, I believe this must be the same bowling alley.

Midwich Elementary

Location: Central Silent Hill
Game: Silent Hill

Rose traveled to Midwich elementary in search of Sharon after a note in sketchbook lead her here. Here she ran into members of the Silent Hill congregation dressed in miner outfits and experienced a second Other world transition where she encountered the janitor creature, Pyramid Head and met back up with Cybil Bennett.

Grand Hotel

Location: Central Silent Hill
Location: At the time of the movie there was no game equivalent but it’s since made an appearance in Silent Hill: Homecoming

In this hotel Rose and Cybil met up with Anna and found the Silent Hill congregations secret witch burning room.

Brahams Archives (A.K.A. Toluca County Archives)

Location: Brahams, Town Neighboring Silent Hill, West Virginia
Game: N/A

Chris broke into these archives to learn more about Silent Hill’s dark past and fond a picture of Alessa Gillespie and became convinced it was his daughter’s birth mother.

Toluca County Orphanage

Location: Brahams, Town Neighboring Silent Hill, West Virginia
Game: N/A

Run by Sister Margarett, Sharon grew up here before Rose and Chris adopted her.

Game: N/A

Location: Central Silent Hill

Where the Silent Hill congregation lives, their faith protects them from the dark evil that roams the streets of the town/

Nathan’s Drugs

Location: Central Silent Hill
Game: Silent Hill

After being ostracized by the congregation Dahlia Gillespie made a home in the apartment above the drug store. After the car crash Dahlia took Sharon here to take care of her believing she was her own lost daughter Alessa.

Brookhaven Hospital

Location: South Vale, Silent Hill
Game: Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3

The evil in the town lives in the basement of the hospital, it is here Rose learns the truth about what really happened 30 years ago. Unlike the games this seems to be a general care hospital instead of a mental institution.