Welcome to Silent Hill once again...

Silent Hill Historical Society is a general Silent Hill fan site with the latest news on the new games, movies, interviews and even a podcast!

I'm still working on expanding all the game and movie sections but you can find loads of detailed information on Shattered Memories including the characters, variations, a walkthrough, comparisons to the original Silent Hill on the Playstation and much MORE!

Site Updates

02/15/12 Added Nightmare messages page to the Shattered Memories section

09/17/11 Added Downpour TGS ’11 Trailer Screens to the Downpour Image Gallery

04/08/11 Opened the Silent Hill 2006 Movie Section

04/03/11 Some new graphics and a reorganized news section.

03/28/11 Silent Hill Play Novel section added.

03/23/11 Big changes are coming…I’m currently expanding the site to include all the games and movies.

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